what we ask
you to do

It is time to actively work on changes; we have compiled possible measures here. We would also like to hear your ideas; please let us know what else should be done.

our call to policymakers
& funding institutions

  • Awareness within publicly financed projects & government agencies, as well as urban spaces

    … should be a mandatory component and prerequisite for funding to implement prevention measures and regulate the handling of incidents that go beyond minimal strategies (such as the “Panama Konzept”)

  • Long-term funding

    …of institutionalized awareness and anti-discrimination work that addresses current issues on an ongoing basis, advises policymakers, and provides free educational services.

  • Adaptation towards affected person-oriented legislation

    … so that people with money and power cannot silence those affected.

  • Free legal advice for victims

    …so that the existence of those affected is not threatened when they publicly speak about incidents.

  • Regional and nationwide contact points & counseling services

    … with intersectionally trained staff, where affected people can get help free of charge. The support network must be visible (e.g., Berlin AnDi app)

  • Nationwide Awareness Self-Commitment Campaign

    … that recognizes events and venues that are committed to Safer Spaces.

  • Raising awareness for moral courage at school

    Children and adolescents must be sensitized early on to their own and others’ boundaries, as well as to boundary transgressions.

  • Development of an awareness certification for minimum standards

    … for a uniform regulation of what awareness is, so that those affected can rely on minimum standards.